Aviado, Pandy

  • Works
  • Biography


VIRGILLIO “PANDY” AVIADO (b.1944) earned his bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts at the Philippine Women’s University – Philippine College of Music and Fine Arts (PWU-CMFA). While at the University, he began specialized Training in printmaking at the Contemporary Graphic Arts Workshop under Manuel Rodriguez Sr. He also completed graduate units in art education at the Ateneo de Manila. As a student, Aviado won major art competitions such as the Shell National Student’s Art Competition (1964) and the Art Association of the Philippines annual art competition (1966). He was also among 13 Artist awardees in 1970, an award given by the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) to promising young artists.

He held his first solo exhibition at the Luz Gallery in 1967 and represented the Philippines at the Sao Paolo Biennial in the same year. Aviado has since participated in several international art events among them the India Triennial in New Delhi (1968), The Paris Biennial (1969), and the Havana Biennial (1991, with sculptor Junyee). He also participated in Philippine exhibitions held in Australia, Korea, Canada, Chile, Amsterdam and Japan.

Aviado has always showed a strong preference for the graphic style of printmaking. After training under Rodriguez, he pursued further studies in this medium at the Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes in Madrid, Spain (1969 to 1971) and the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris (1974). He has mastered different printmaking techniques – from woodcut to color etching. His creative pursuits also led Aviado to explore new materials, particularly those of indigenous origin. He was among the first group of local artist that promoted the production and use of handmade paper.

Aviado is also an experienced art administrator. He served as President of the Art Association of the Philippines (AAP) and the Philippine Association of Printmakers (PAP). He was Director of the Coordinating Center for the Visual Arts at the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCVA-CCP, 1991 to 1992) and was elected head of the Committee on Visual Arts of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (CVA-NCCA, 1995 to 1997).

Aviado has held more than twenty solo exhibitions. He is also involved in animation and experimental firms.

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Galleria Duemila,
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Galleria Duemila
210 Loring Street
Pasay 1300